Tiger Force
Debt Consult GH. LTD



It is important to note that various individuals and companies are tied up with operational and managerial challenges that do not give them much time to pursue and recover their existing debts.


It has also been observed that the typical behaviour of the Ghanaian or human being per se is that, debts owed that are not pursued should not be paid hence the literal Twi saying that "megye na mini bi, hwan na owo ahuoden” meaning the "taker and giver........ Who is the strongest?”


It is observed that companies and individuals may not be having cash to pay for all the huge legal expenses such as hiring of lawyers that goes with the recovery of debts so may not be in a position to pursue it.


It is also observed that companies and individuals may not be able and therefore willing to go through all the necessary judicial processes in recovering the debts.


Ease the burden of courts which have been flooded with such cases by trying to assist in managing some debts owed to/by individuals and companies.


Amongst some of the observations is that some individuals and corporate organisations fail in their businesses due to so many debts owed to them by various debtors and some also due to debts they owe which they could not manage.


We also noted that some of these debts are lost due to inappropriate and inadequate due diligence made before the transactions.


It has also been realised that most individuals and companies have so many unanswered "intelligence’ challenges which burden and may eventually destroy them. The sad thing is that, since some of these challenges may not fall within operational functions and duties of the state investigative organs, they may not be able to get assistance from them.


It is from these important observations and many more that Tiger force Consultancy Gh. Ltd. was formed to assist clients in finding solutions to these problems. It is also our outmost aim to recover all debts to the least amount within the shortest possible time.

Our Services

Debt Consultancy 

Debt Management 

Debt Recovery

Private Intelligence


Tiger force Gh. Ltd is registered to undertake debt consultancy, debt management, debt recovery and private intelligence (Investigations).


The first function, that is consultancy, is when individuals and companies come to us with their existing problems of not being able to recover debts. They register with us and after obtaining all the necessary information or evidence to support their cases will advice as to what measures to be taken to recover the debts.


The second function being debt management is when after a thorough discussion with our client, we take over existing debts. At this stage, debtors are invited to our office to listen to their side and immediate intentions/ ways to make payments. We at this point depending on information from both sides may advice on the easiest way to recover debt.


The third function which is debt recovery is where we have to use all the possible legal means within our reach to recover the debt within the shortest possible time.


Fourthly, we undertake private intelligence jobs such as due diligence, background checks, Employee profile checks, spouse surveillance and general intelligence/investigation operations and submit our report to our clients and appropriate authorities.


The last but not the least, we provide consultancy assistance on the procedures of recovering debts ( especially to the recovery departments of various banks), general security assistance and awareness.

In performing all these, our clients’ after paying the processing fee, pay no other expenses to us as far as the debt recovery is concerned. All expenses are borne by Tiger force (except judicial expenses) and an agreed percentage is charged on any amount recovered. Percentage charged differs according to cases. In the case of private intelligence, an agreed fee is charged and a mode of payment is arranged between us and the client.
In all our operations, client’s confidentiality is our priority.


There are two major modes of taking over the debt:


An existing debt can be sold to us at a discounted price while we pursue to recover it.


A debt can be handed over to us to do the recovery. In this case, a negotiable percentage is charged on any amount of debt recovered and our clients make no payment during the recovery period.



Advice in the form of verbal or written is given to a client after he or she has explained what his or her challenges are or will be. 


A workshop can also be organised for both theoretical and practical teaching on the challenges (especially with regards to the recoveries). 

Tiger Force Group GH LTD
Tiger Force Group

BOX: KN 725, Kaneshie


TEL: +233 30-2766725
MOB: +233 244 380 003
EMAIL: percyboamah@yahoo.com
or info@tigerforcegroup.org